Sunday, December 28, 2008

*Happy Birthday to.....*

mama: 21/10/2008 @ home

Soob and me did surprised my mama
with this simple but warm bday celebration..

Mocha Carlo cake

Mr. & Mrs. Soo

"yan ding dan bok"....>.<

hyee & me & ming: 31/10/2008 @ de curve, Tony Roma's

Halloween decoration..
The floor is full of dry leaves..not bad..
but..because of this decoration..
air-cond was closed..too bad..
hot & banyak nyamuk..
"ngo hai yat z mun..yat z mun....."

UCSI's gang...

my order: Chicken breast with garlic rice & long island...

Joshua's order..
haha..he thought it should be a "light" meal de sandwich..




hee..climax of tonite!!
1) 3 bday gals request to stand on chair..
2) request to holding pepper and salt..
used it as mic..& sing bday song loudly to ourself..
(super many customers in the restaurant..>.<")
3) stand on our position to blow candle..>.<"

boys and nextime ..please...

Anyway, thanks for this "special" celebration..^^


enjoying our free brownie with ice cream..

haha..keat ming 's name disappear...

silly me and hyee.. haha..

SS-ing again...

me : 07/11/2008 @ de curve, Kim Gary & Heaven

The curve gary again...
a level's gang's "lou dei fong"..

Second round: Heaven..
embrrassing moments again..>.<"
Heaven's don't know manager or boss insists
want to wait the singer back to stage
and sang bday song to me..
& insists want ming ming them wrote a bday msg to me..
“来来来。。写下祝福语。。写致什么美丽的小姐。。” *sweat*

make a wish...earn more $$$$..haha...

23rd happy birthday..German cheese cake...
I'm so so sorry to africa children..
coz I can't finish it.. *guilty*

me: 08/11/2008 @ De curve, Italiannies & home curve again and again...=p
4 缺 1。。

Bread story's mango cake..not bad..

7 缺 3。。。

My lovely bday's present..
thx my heng dai n ji mui mun..
thx my frens...hugss..

thanks my new renoma purse..

Ming & Jolene : 17/11/2008 @ Subang Seafood Restaurant

Green tea cake..


Ben : Kuek : Jolene : Ming : Me
crab crab crab..slurpps...

Papa: 07/12/2008 @ Peperoni Pizzeria, Singapore

Surprise!!!!!!! dad don't know we're going
to celebrate his birthday at my bro's restaurant..

This tiramisu with BIG BIG strawberry is nice!!


Kuek: 14/12/2008 @ BBQ steamboat & erm..Bali Cafe? =p

The cafe is so "am mo c saw"...

It looked nice..but kuek said taste ma ma nia..

Me : Ben : Kuek

Kuek & Kkok: 15/12/2008 @ Shui Ba Wong

Happy Birthday to u & u....

oh..4 缺1 again...

heng dai mun..

~Happy always~

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