Thursday, May 7, 2009

*Korea Sparkling~*

14032009, mei & ewen @ Big Mama, Solaris

Free self refill side dishes..
sometimes tauke sau ll passionate & rebut to take for u..


Fish vs Pork..

erm..can't remember the full name of it..
something..Pork rib w/ stew potato..

erm..don't know what fishie in soup..haha...

wow~ super "sour" kimchi soup..*.*

11042009, ji mun & heng dai mun @ Bon Ga, Solaris

This soup is very nice~~

side dishes.. some are in a big piece..

BBQ pork..

Kimchi's serve with 2 bowl of white rice..

celebrating yong's bday..

Next reunion time: JULY..*waiting*

30042009, soob, xiao g, mei & g ma @ Little Korea, Solaris

soob & xiao g..she's back for holiday..

me & mama.. Pre-celebrate mama's day..

BBQ: 猪腩肉..

BBQ: 猪颈肉..
The waitress over cooked our pork pork..
so the pork is not juicy anymore and hard.. =.=
afraid of H1N1?

korea pancake..

slurpps..kimchi hot pot.. got noodle inside..
the pot is not deep as Bon not much of soup..
but it's still nice..


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